Bugs & Patches

[ESP] Se notificaron varios errores para la versión en Español, estos siendo: 

- Se muestra un dialogo incorrecto que no debería aparecer en ese momento.

- Aparecen sprites que no deberían.

Este parche arregla todos estos bugs, descarga nuevamente el juego y pega tu savefile original para seguir tu partida con normalidad

 [ENG] Quite a few bugs were reported for this version, these being:

- Russian Roulette was completely in English except for the War of Words.

- A bug in Russian Roulette where the switches did not work as they should.

- Dialogue and sprite bugs. 

This patch fixes all these bugs, download the game again and paste your original savefile to continue your game normally.


YTTD - AAD - (ESP) 181 MB
72 days ago
YTTD - AAD - (ENG) 180 MB
72 days ago

Get Your Turn To Die - An Alternative Draw -

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