Patch English Version

Bugs and translation errors have been fixed!

There was a bug in the introductions where when pressing Sara's image, the game was softlocked due to a common image and event error.

Small translation errors.

This will be the last patch so far unless there is a translation error that doesn't allow to understand the story well or a bug that softlocks the player.

Download the game again and paste your original savefile to continue your game normally.

If you suffered the softlock error, we recommend to start over from a previous save file (and not to press Sara's image again because it is possible that the error prevails in that save file due to RPG Maker stuff) or to start the game again and use the Ctrl and W keys to make the texts skip quickly.


YTTD - AAD - (ENG) 182 MB
46 days ago

Get Your Turn To Die - An Alternative Draw -

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